

Who We Are.

We are a team of construction professionals across the US with experience in Federal, State, and Private Contracting.  Serving the civil, industrial, environmental, commercial, and residential markets.

Meet the Owner

Founder, Leah Denhoed

Leah Denhoed started her career in construction in 2009 when she decided to go back to school for Architectural Design. After successfully running her family’s restaurant for 10 years, it was time for a change that fed into her real passions. At the time, it was design. Creativity always driven her decisions, and with architectural design, those decisions could be much bigger than an idea on paper.

It was a blueprint assessment class that started it all.

After learning about construction as a multi-faceted business outside of design, she decided Construction Management was her way.

Then she went right to work.

For the last 13 years she has spent working for, learning from, and collaborating with Contractors and Owners nationwide. That experience has given her firsthand knowledge on how to navigate the ever-evolving, fast-paced, and often chaotic construction life cycle process.

She developed LND to share those strategies, be a part of industry change and growth, and show future generations that everyone at every skill set has a place in construction.

“As a mentor, my main focus is guiding future generations and peers alike on how to prepare for opportunity, find confidence in expressing their ideas, and negotiate their success.”